Passionate Architect - Civil Engineer. The Goal of a concept is bring it in Life. Experience: 18 years as a freelancer of studies - construction - supervision - decoration of Private projects
Diploma Architect Engineer N.T.U.A. ( National Technical University of Athens)
Graduate Technological Civil Engineer (Higher Technological Institute A.TE.I PIRAEUS)
Member of the Hellenic Institute of Valuation (ELIE)
Member of the Association of Appraisers of Greece (S.EK.E)
B Grade Construction Inspector. No. registry number: 668 (Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change)
12 years as a real estate appraiser - partner of Alpha Bank
6 years as a Laboratory associate at A.TE.I Piraeus in the Department of Civil Construction Projects - Quality Control of Construction Materials (Concrete - Reinforcing Steels concrete)